Are Your Halloween Decorations Attracting Pests?
You know Halloween is right around the corner when your neighborhood is filled with ghoulish ghosts, scary skeletons, and frightening faces on jack-o-lanterns. Unfortunately, many of these decorations can attract pests to your property. To avoid creating a breeding ground for insects and rodents, make sure your decor is pest-proofed.
Porch Pumpkins
Placing a pumpkin on your doorstep is like placing a welcome mat for pests, especially squirrels and other rodents. Whether your pumpkin is carved or uncarved, make sure you spray it down with one of these repellents:
- Fill a spray bottle with a dash of dish soap, a few tablespoons of hot sauce, a drop of cooking oil, and water
- Deer repellent containing “putrescent whole egg solids”
- Peppermint Spray
- Garlic Spray
- A layer of dog hair sprinkled around the pumpkin
Hanging Decorations
Don’t you just LOVE that skeleton (or ghost) hanging from the tree in your front yard? Even though it looks awesome as it moves with the breeze, be mindful that you may have a pest or two lurking around it. Squirrels, rodents, and birds might see this piece of spooky decor and head toward it for an inspection. Once the pest is this close to your home, they’re only a few steps from finding a way inside of the house.
Wooden Decor
If any of your Halloween lawn decor is made from wood, you may want to think twice about putting it out this year. Wood that sits atop of your lawn could be susceptible to any termites that are underground in the area. These wood-eating pests will sniff out your wooden lawn ornaments, which are dangerously close to your house. The last thing you want is to call the attention of a termite infestation.
Halloween is a fun holiday to decorate your home for — just be careful when choosing your decorations. When a pest infestation threatens to haunt your home, contact Knockout Pest Control. To learn more or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.