How to Keep Ticks Away


Ticks are synonymous with warm weather activities such as playing in the yard, camping, hiking, and any other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, many ticks in the Northeast carry the dreaded Lyme disease. It’s important to know how to keep ticks away from you and your loved ones.

Ticks Be-Gone
Spraying a special tick repellent on your skin and clothing is a great way to keep ticks away from you. The sprays that work best on skin contain a specific chemical compound known as DEET. There are other sprays that are meant for your clothing and the ones that work best contain permethrin. Remember to reapply these sprays every few hours as long as you are outdoors.

No Tick Areas
There are ways to create an area on your property that has a lesser chance of hosting ticks. This area should be on a paved patio away from any vegetation. Keep plants away, mow your lawn regularly, and don’t store wood or mulch near the patio. You should also look to make your yard less appealing to deer by removing plants; since deer are the main food source for ticks.

Tick Inspections
Sometimes ticks can be sneaky and still latch onto you, no matter how careful you are. When a tick does attach itself to your skin you should immediately remove it with a pair of tweezers. It’s extremely important that any tick is removed within 24 hours or else the risk of Lyme disease rises tremendously. After removal, keep an eye on the bite mark to make sure there are no rash marks that develop. Seek the help of a doctor following the interaction with a tick.

Keeping ticks away from your property, your loved ones, and yourself is a top priority in the spring and summer. When your property begins to become overpopulated with ticks, contact the professionals at Knockout Pest Control. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.

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