Places Where Pests Could Be Hiding In Your Home
Pests could be hiding in your home without your knowledge. It is up to each homeowner to be on the lookout for pests. Keep reading to learn about the most common hiding places for pests.
It is scary to think that there could be pests living inside your closet! Pests are drawn to closets because of the darkness and seclusion they offer. These critters could also turn your latest fashion frock into their next meal.
Pieces of Furniture
Bed bugs are known to hide in beds–hence the name! However, bed bugs could be hiding in any piece of furniture you have in your house. After all, furniture can provide them with plenty of fabric to feast on.
Most people do not spend a lot of time in their attics. That is part of the reason why rodents can hide out in attics for an extended period of time. When you hear the sound of pitter-patter coming from the attic, it is possible that rodents have set up shop there.
Have you spotted a pest infestation within your home? If so, this is a job for the professionals here at Knockout Pest Control. We can knockout pests and keep them down for the count!
Call 1-800-244-PEST or 1-800-244-7378 to schedule an appointment with us.