How To Prevent A Squirrel Infestation

You may not give much thought to a squirrel scampering around your property. Despite their small size, these rodents can cause major property damage. Below are some tips that can help prevent squirrel infestations. Eliminate Access Points When it comes to keeping squirrels away from your humble abode, eliminating entrance points is key. To accomplish…

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Tips For Pest-Proofing Your Shed

Will you be tackling home improvement projects this summer? If so, you do not want to encounter pests when you are putting your tools back in the shed. Continue reading to discover tips for pest-proofing your shed. Repair Gaps In The Shed Eliminating any access points is key when it comes to keeping pests out…

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Summer Pest-Proofing Tips

The summer is finally here! No one wants to spend the summertime dealing with a pest infestation. Below are some summer pest-proofing tips to implement at home this season. Eliminate Points Of Entry If you don’t want pests entering your home, the first thing you should do is eliminate any points of entry. It is…

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How To Prevent Flea Infestations

Fleas tend to flourish and thrive in warm weather, which is bad news for pet owners and their pets. Luckily, pet owners can take certain precautions to protect their pets from fleas this season. Keep reading to discover what they are.  Groom & Bathe Your Pets First and foremost, grooming and bathing your pets can…

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