The Impact Weather Conditions Have On Winter Pest Activity
As close as we are to spring, winter weather is here for a little while longer. While we might still be bundling up and anticipating more cold temperatures, pests like mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons, and cockroaches are still looking for ways to get into your home. Keep in mind that winter weather conditions can have profound impacts on pest activity that last into spring and summer.
Here are several different ways weather and precipitation affect household pest activity in New York homes.
Sometimes during the winter months, it can feel like rainy days are neverending. Rain may cause pests to seek shelter inside your home. This means that you may see an increase in pest activity overall.
Rainstorms can also create moisture sites in your home. This can be detrimental because moisture sites are appealing to termites. To prevent termites from calling your house their home, make sure your attics and basements do not contain any excess moisture after heavy rainfall.
Snow and Ice
No one wants to be outside during a snow or ice storm–including pests! Since these cold conditions can threaten a pests’ chance of survival, they will seek a warm shelter. This is why it is so common for homeowners to experience pest infestations during the wintertime.
There are also quite a few resilient pests that have adapted to persevere through the cold winter months. Cockroaches, in particular, are known for being able to withstand freezing temperatures without dying off as long as their basic needs are met (food, water, and shelter).
Strong Winds
The wind is a major factor in pest control. High wind speeds can knock down trees and branches and even blow pests out of their hiding places by carrying them away from their shelter. This may cause them to move into a new area like your home or yard.
If the wind is strong enough, it can actually remove shingles from your roof. This creates the perfect window of opportunity for a bat or a raccoon to enter your home unannounced. After a powerful storm, it is a good idea to inspect your roof for missing shingles.
Knock Out Household Pests This Winter
Winter weather can be a nuisance, but it doesn’t have to ruin your home’s pest-free environment. With the right preparation and maintenance, you can keep pests from causing damage during cold months.
If pests have infiltrated your home this season, turn to the professionals here at Knockout Pest Control. We will knock out your winter pests and keep them down for the count all year long.
Call 1-800-244-PEST to schedule an appointment with us.