This is Why Bugs Love Your Home
Are you constantly finding new pests in or around your home? Bugs and rodents don’t just love your home because you’re a good decorator, it’s because of your habits or the current living conditions. Find out for yourself why you keep seeing pests pop up in your home.
You Didn’t Check Your Plants
Now that the weather is starting to cool down, plants will begin to wither away or become dormant. Those who decide to bring their potted plants inside, be careful! Thoroughly inspect each plant for any insects or bugs that are hiding on the plant or within the soil.
You Keep Putting Off Property Maintenance
Allowing leaves, debris, unkempt shrubs, and overgrown grass to fill your property is an insect’s dream. Spiders, beetles, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, etc. will use all of this as cover until they find a better home. Do you know what this new, closest home could be? Yes, you’ve guessed it — your home!
You Brought in Used Furniture
Bringing in “new to you” furniture from a secondhand store or from a friend can be dangerous. If you don’t fully inspect this furniture, you could wind up with a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs will cling onto furniture in a home that’s infested, so bringing a used couch or recliner over could expose your house to one of the worst infestations you can ever get.
You Have Leaks in Your Plumbing
Many species of insects, bugs, rodents, and other types of pests, absolutely LOVE moisture. Homeowners who put off, or are unaware of plumbing leaks in their home are susceptible to infestations. Whether you have leaky faucet, a drip underneath the sink, or a leak behind the wall — pests will run to them for a water source or perfectly moist living conditions.
Pests don’t appear in your home because you’re unlucky, they love your home because of the conditions. When you need a pest infestation removed from your home, contact Knockout Pest Control. To learn more or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.