How to Remove a Tick From Your Skin
The upcoming weather forecast makes this weekend a perfect time to get outside and enjoy the fresh spring air!
Whether you’re planning on going hiking or playing with the puppy in the backyard, remember that tick season is well underway.
For those unlucky enough to have been bitten, here’s how to remove it from your skin.
Tick Facts to Remember
- Ticks need to feed for at least 24 hours in order to transmit illnesses and diseases like Lyme Disease. Always inspect your body (and your pets) after going outside near tall grass or wooded areas.
- Ticks will bury their head into the skin in order for them to feed from their host. Therefore, simply brushing or scratching them off should be avoided.
- Burning or suffocating ticks with petroleum jelly are not effective removal methods.
Steps to Remove a Tick
- Grab your trusty tweezers and attempt to remove the tick via its head. Avoid removing the tick via its body as this may cause the tick’s blood to inject into your skin, increasing your chances of contracting an illness or disease.
- Once you have a firm grasp on the tick’s head, pull in an outward motion without twisting or jerking. Rapid movements may cause the body to separate from the head, leaving it dislodged in the skin. (Gross!) Eventually, the pressure will cause the little guy’s head to pop right out.
- Now that the tick has been removed from the body, wash the bite area, your hands, and the tweezers with soap and water. To be safe, apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to the bite area as well.
- Do not try to save the tick unless you speak with your doctor and they tell you otherwise. If you don’t need to bring it in for testing, flush that sucker down the toilet and say your goodbyes!
Removing a tick from your skin isn’t difficult, but you have to do it in a certain way — or else!
When your property is overrun with ticks and you want a solution to this problem, contact Knockout Pest Control. To learn more or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.