Living in a home that’s infested with termites is dangerous and expensive. Rather than just hoping your home won’t get infested, take some preventive measures to make sure you…
Ticks are synonymous with warm weather activities such as playing in the yard, camping, hiking, and any other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, many ticks in the Northeast carry the dreaded Lyme…
The risk of having bed bugs increases if you live in a multi-family home. How is this so? Bed bugs can travel through walls from one apartment to the next,…
When was the last time you saw a single ant running around your home? Chances are you’ve probably never seen this happen because ants tend to stick together in their…
Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders and a large number of people feel that they have this fear. Even though most spiders are harmless and won’t bite, unless it’s out…
You recently went on vacation and it was an amazing experience that you wish you could relive over and over again. However, upon returning home you noticed that your home…
Spring has sprung and warm weather is on its way, however, so are the springtime pests. Certain pests become more active this time of year and they can be bothersome…
Spring is here and hibernation is over! All of the squirrels are coming out to play and that means that they’ll be out and about causing a ruckus around the…